Production Title: What Lies Behind…
Production Date(s): 22/01/17
Group Members: Amaal Hussain, Siarah Rana, Hannah Nazir & Kiran Yasin
Locations: Furze Platt Railway Station
Punt Hill
People who may be harmed
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls already in place
Risk assessment
(low, moderate, high, extreme)
Likelihood of risk occurring (rare, unlikely, moderate, likely)
Further action required to prevent and control the risk
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It could rain or storm which could damage the camera. In addition you wouldn't be able to hear the dialogue clearly over the weather.
The Camera
Check the weather daily while it leads up to the day we’re filming.
If it comes by surprise, carry umbrellas. Protect the equipment. Perhaps rescheduling.
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Could be dangerous when the trains are passing and people could get hurt. They can also be really loud so it may cut off a bit of dialogue.
Camera or props
Stay away from the trains when they’re passing and be sensible.
Stay away from the tracks as a train could come at any time. Adhere to all safety precautions required by the GWR.
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Train Station
People rush onto the trains, especially at peak times so people could fall and get hurt or a piece of property could get damaged.
Don’t film at peak times so when people are coming home from work which is around 5-7pm.
Stay away from the platform when loads of people are exiting and film the scene we need to when it’s less busy.
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Filming at train station
People may not realize we have permission to film there and may think we’re messing around so they could go and complain about us which means we won’t be able to film.
Our group and our actors/actresses.
Have the signed permit with us so that we have proof we can film there.
Try to film when not many people are near as many people might not want to be included in the film at all.
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