Friday 20 January 2017

Main Task - Preparation (Locations/Cast/Costume & Make-up Research)

Location Research:
For our film opening, as a group we have decided to film in two locations. The main location will be Furze Platt Train Station and the second location is the Park at Punt Hill. For both locations we require a permit, and we decided as a group that its best if we film in maidenhead as its convenient for both actors and the group.

Cast Research:
For our main task, the group of four girls and one other person (male or female). It doesn’t matter if the other person is male or female as their identity will be hidden during the clip anyway. We decided that we didn’t need to hold any auditions as we have seen how this cast can act previously and most have performed in drama before. We thought that this was a good decision as we want the acting to be as good as possible.

Costume and Makeup:

For this task, all four girls will be dressed in similar clothing as they dress like other girls of this generation. They follow modern fashion trends and dress very casual as this is set in present time. All girls will be wearing makeup but some may be wearing more than others, to show that they have an interest. They will not be wearing much jewelry as they are dressed very casual. the girls will be wearing jeans, jumpers and trainers etc.
The villain in this clip will be fully clothed in black and their face will be covered using a mask. This villain is inspired by the ‘slender man’ costume, and will be dressed in all black with his face hidden like his identity.

Image result for sinister bughuul
Image result for slender man

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