Friday 20 January 2017

Film Openings - Genre Analysis

Conventions to take note of:
  • Shot Angles
  • Shot Sizes
  • Shot Durations
  • Sound Effects
  • Use of Music
  • Transitions and Overall Place
  • Title Fonts & Colours
  • Colour Palette and Lighting
  • Setting
  • Types of Characters & their contents
  • Storyline or Plot Development
  • Overall Tone/Mood/Atmosphere
FILM ONE - The Judge
  • Opening shot - close up of glasses
  • Black screen with Guitar music playing in the background.
  • Low key Lighting on closeups (warm blue and earthy tones)
  • Font - white, all capitals, clear
  • Establishing shot - long shot
  • Long shot - setting of the scene
  • Music with faster pace (insinuates its a busy place)
  • Men toilet - high key lighting (bright lights/cool - representing his character)
  • Character is a lawyer (he is wearing an expensive suit)
FILM TWO - Forrest Gump
  • Opening Shot- Long duration (sets slow pace)
  • Calm Music (piano)
  • Ambient sound (as the the feather touches the ground)
  • Font - Clear White
  • Bright Lights (warm colours)
  • Setting - Large Town or City
  • Characters waiting at a bus stop
  • Character - Forrest is an ordinary man
  • Tone - Warm and Welcoming
FILM THREE- The Time Travelers Wife
  • Opens with violin music
  • Oprah Singing (warm and happy)
  • Low Key Lighting 
  • Warm Colours
  • Snowing as its Christmas time
  • Ambient Sounds - Cars/Crashes/Window Smashing (harsh sounds)
  • Font - Yellow Text on Dark Screen
  • Transitions - Slow at the beginning, pace increased throughout
  • Camera Angles - Eye Level
  • Smaller Shot Sizes
  • Larger Shot Sizes (After accident)
  • Overall Tone is tense, threating, concerned for boy
FILM FOUR - The Descendants
  • Low ambient sounds before we see what is happening
  • Long duration shot of a woman on speed boat (Close Up Shot)
  • Happy/Upbeat Background (Does not fit in with whats happening)
  • Setting -Hawaii (flowers around in background)
  • Characters - You discover who they are from the voice over
  • Long Shot - of people 
  • Tone - Grim/Depressing
FILM FIVE- The Age of Adaline
  • Slow and Tense music opening
  • Narrator
  • High angle (Birds eye view of the whole cit)
  • Font - White, Small, Non-intrusive and Handwriting type
  • Characters - Adaline is mysterious and smart
  • Tone - serious,mysterious and intriguing
FILM SIX - Life of Pi
  • establishing shot (long shot)
  • music - calm
  • High Key Lighting
  • Setting -  Zoo
  • Font - Traditional, White and Yellow
  • Very Slow Pace
  • No characters shown yet (3 minutes in)
  • Tone - Calm

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