Monday, 30 January 2017

Preliminary Task - Reflection


Planning Process:
  • Story board
  • Script
  • Shot list
  • Prop list 
  • Treatment scaffold
What did the planning process involve?

The process involved us creating a storyboard depicting the different shots, the type of shot and what was happening in each one, also duration's for each shot were written down. Having a storyboard was really helpful as it was crucial in helping us make a plan in what order to film the shots which saved a lot of time when we were filming. We also made a Script for our actresses, so they didn't have to improvise and the structure of the dialogue is how we wanted it. It was very helpful for them as they knew what type of character they were playing. The third task was a shot and prop list, telling us what type of shots we needed to shoot and the props that we would need to bring in so we could be organized on the day. The last thing we included was a treatment scaffold. The treatment scaffold consists of our film synopsis, character descriptions and film techniques we were going to use.

How did the planning benefit me?

The planning benefited me greatly, it made me feel more confident and calm  as i knew what i was doing, when i was doing it and how i was doing things. it made us prioritize all tasks and helped us work together as a group efficiently and without any problems.


Production Process:
  • Plan
  • Film
  • Edit
Did everything go according to plan?

Personally, I don't think everything did, mainly because it was very difficult for us to find time when we were all free so that we could film, if we were all our free, we couldn't find actresses that were free. in addition because we couldn't find time together, we left filming quite late and because of this we didn't take enough time to make sure that we had all the shots we needed. our final piece was much  shorter than we expected because of this. also we had some footage that we couldn't find anywhere so this also contributed to making it much shorter than we expected. this may be because we were using adobe for the first time and weren't exactly confident as to how it works.


What new technologies did I encounter in this process?

The DSLR camera and the editing software.

What have I learnt through this process?

I learnt how to use adobe premiere for editing; how to cut clips in and out, apply video transitions, add sfx & music and make a title screen.

What new skills will be beneficial moving forward throughout this course?

Knowing how to use a camera
learning how to edit
How to use the extra equipment


What went wrong?
How did we solve any problems we encountered?

One of our actors could no longer be in our film so we had to recast, we had already filmed clips with her in it and for the remaining shots we needed a replacement, at such short notice we couldn't find anyone.
This wasn't a big problem as she was wearing a mask and we hadn't filmed any clips of her speaking so anyone could replace her part, so Hannah (group member) volunteered and played the part.

It was really difficult to find time together as a group and with our actors to film, this therefore prolonged the filming process and we didn't finish all of our filming for the deadline for editing. This meant that we had to start editing much later as we didn't have enough footage to edit.

In addition to this, a lot of our footage got lost, we're not really sure what happened to it but because we were already late for the filming deadline, we had no time to re-film. This meant that our final video was much shorter than it should have been and had a few clips missing. The video still made sense but it wasn't as good as it could've been.


How well did we work together as a group?

Personally I think we worked well together as a group, everyone came up with some sort of idea to contribute to this task so everyone took part. We all agreed on ideas and if there were any disagreements then we would talk it out instead of arguing.

Did I feel as if I contributed fairly to the overall outcome?

I think I did contribute fairly as I came up with many ideas and shared them with the group.

Main Task - Shot & Prop List

Shot List:

LOCATION:   Platt Railway
                    Punt Hill

TALENT:       Shania Zaman
                    Sam Khan
                    Amaal Hussain
                    Maryam Aukbar
                    Helena Cronin





Visual description
(shot size, camera angle & movement,  lighting, frame composition and action of subject, special effects etc.)

Audio description
(dialogue, music, sound effects)


20 Seconds
Mid Shot
Establishing Shot
Eye Level
High Key Lighting
Low Angle Shot

7 Seconds
Mid Shot
Eye Level
High Key Lighting
Tracking Shot

3 Seconds
N/A (Black Screen)
No Sound

7 Seconds
Mid Shot
Eye Level
Low Key Lighting
Tracking Shot
Noise of train

20 Seconds
Long Shot
High Angle
Low Key Lighting
Shot/Reverse Shot
Dialogue and music

10 Seconds
Mid – Long Shot
Eye Level
Low Key Lighting
Over the Shoulder Shot
Dialogue and music

10 Seconds
Mid – Long Shot
Eye Level
Low Key Lighting
Point of View
     *BANG* Sound

8 Seconds
Long Shot
High Angle
Low Key Lighting
Fast, Synchronous Music

5 Seconds
Long Shot
Eye Level
Low Key Lighting
Music fades

8 Seconds
Close – Up/Shot Reverse Shot
Eye Level
High Key Lighting
People breathing heavily

15 Seconds
Extreme Long Shot/Establishing Shot
High Angle
Low Key Lighting
Synchronous Music

6 Seconds
Title Screen
*BANG* Sound

Amaal Hussain
Hannah Nazir
Siarah Rana
Kiran Yasin

Prop List:
For our main task we have a small amount of props we are using:

  • Four Handbags
  • Glasses
  • Coffee Cup
  • Phones

Main Task - Risk Assessment

Production Title: What Lies Behind…

Production Date(s): 22/01/17
Group Members: Amaal Hussain, Siarah Rana, Hannah Nazir & Kiran Yasin

Locations: Furze Platt Railway Station
                   Punt Hill

People who may be harmed
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls already in place
Risk assessment
(low, moderate, high, extreme)
Likelihood of risk occurring (rare, unlikely, moderate, likely)
Further action required to prevent and control the risk
It could rain or storm which could damage the camera. In addition you wouldn't be able to hear the dialogue clearly over the weather.
The Camera
Check the weather daily while it leads up to the day we’re filming.
If it comes by surprise, carry umbrellas. Protect the equipment. Perhaps rescheduling.

Could be dangerous when the trains are passing and people could get hurt. They can also be really loud so it may cut off a bit of dialogue.
Camera or props
Stay away from the trains when they’re passing and be sensible.
Stay away from the tracks as a train could come at any time. Adhere to all safety precautions required by the GWR.

Train Station
People rush onto the trains, especially at peak times so people could fall and get hurt or a piece of property could get damaged.
Don’t film at peak times so when people are coming home from work which is around 5-7pm.
Stay away from the platform when loads of people are exiting and film the scene we need to when it’s less busy.

Filming at train station
People may not realize we have permission to film there and may think we’re messing around so they could go and complain about us which means we won’t be able to film.
Our group and our actors/actresses.
Have the signed permit with us so that we have proof we can film there.
Try to film when not many people are near as many people might not want to be included in the film at all.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Main Task - Storyboard

Main Task - Preparation (Locations/Cast/Costume & Make-up Research)

Location Research:
For our film opening, as a group we have decided to film in two locations. The main location will be Furze Platt Train Station and the second location is the Park at Punt Hill. For both locations we require a permit, and we decided as a group that its best if we film in maidenhead as its convenient for both actors and the group.

Cast Research:
For our main task, the group of four girls and one other person (male or female). It doesn’t matter if the other person is male or female as their identity will be hidden during the clip anyway. We decided that we didn’t need to hold any auditions as we have seen how this cast can act previously and most have performed in drama before. We thought that this was a good decision as we want the acting to be as good as possible.

Costume and Makeup:

For this task, all four girls will be dressed in similar clothing as they dress like other girls of this generation. They follow modern fashion trends and dress very casual as this is set in present time. All girls will be wearing makeup but some may be wearing more than others, to show that they have an interest. They will not be wearing much jewelry as they are dressed very casual. the girls will be wearing jeans, jumpers and trainers etc.
The villain in this clip will be fully clothed in black and their face will be covered using a mask. This villain is inspired by the ‘slender man’ costume, and will be dressed in all black with his face hidden like his identity.

Image result for sinister bughuul
Image result for slender man